Notice about subsidies at MCYS


Notice to organizations and individuals who have applied to the MCYS public call for subsidies in art and cultural heritage, announced in April 2022.

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, relying on the evaluations of organizational units and on the basis of discussions with representatives of the cultural community, has identified systematic deficiencies in the way funds are distributed for cultural and artistic projects over the years.

Based on this, we have taken concrete steps to reform the fund distribution scheme, based on the principles of accountability and full transparency. These steps have been taken in two directions: the improvements in the current legal regulation and the creation of the legal basis for the complete transformation of this process, through the regulatory instruments that we are developing.

The online application process is designed with the primary goal of ensuring a fully transparent process in the distribution of funds. A primary will and determination of ours, but at the same time a legitimate request accepted in recent years by the artistic community.

We are aware that changing the conventional forms of operation, with such an important process for the country's independent cultural scene, may be accompanied by objective difficulties until the consolidation of the process. Difficulties have been identified either from the side of its realization, as the responsibility of MCYS, or even during the application process from the side of the community.

Based on the technical difficulties that have been presented in relation to the digital application system, and aiming to achieve acceptable results for the community but also for public policies in the field of culture, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports has decided to re-evaluate all applications from the public call for subsidies.

The Ministry has mobilized all the necessary capacities for the revaluation to be carried out within a short period of time. All the projects of the organizations and individuals that have applied to this call will be subject to re-evaluation, with the primary goal of eliminating the causes and defects that have been presented in the relationship between the requests of the public call and the requests submitted by the platform.

As for the organizations and individuals who failed to apply in the last call, we inform you that after the announcement of the results of the preliminary call, the new public call for subsidies in art and cultural heritage will be announced. In the new call, organizations will also have the right to apply for projects whose implementation deadline is within the time frame of the current fiscal year.

We have taken all the necessary measures to ensure a clearer and more understandable application in the new public call through the digital system. Thanking you for your understanding, we assure you that MCYS will continue to work on increasing financial support for the independent cultural scene.
