2022 Parasports Games


Kosovar para-athletes can now participate in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games and in any other European and world activity that is organized under the patronage of KPN. The Kosovo Paralympic Committee became a member of the International Paralympic Committee.

With this fantastic news, the Parasports Games 2022 started today in the city of Vushtrri, while for two days, competitions will be held in sports for disabled people.

The opening was attended by the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, the Minister of Sports, Hajrulla Çeku, the President of the Paralympic Committee of Kosovo, Njomza Emini, the Deputy Minister of the MCYS, Daulina Osmani, the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Bardhyl Dobra, the Ambassador of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Michael Davenport, EULEX ambassador, Lars Gunnar Wigemark, representatives of disabled people, coaches and sports fans.

Congratulations to the Paralympic Federation of Kosovo for their work and commitment to be part of the International Paralympic Committee and congratulations to all the para-athletes.
