Performance in memory of Adem Demaçi and Ukshin Hoti

Prishtina Prison Museum - Ideal Prison has already been transformed into a community space where numerous cultural activities are being organized.
Last night, the theatrical display "Political Prison" was premiered there in memory of the writer and politician, Adem Demaçi and the philosopher and activist, Ukshin Hoti, namely their political persecution as a result of their life and intellectual work.
The display was divided into five different narratives which are based on true events, and at the very end it ends with a part of the association with the Dubrava Prison and the massacre that took place there in 1999.
Its special feature was that the audience was also imprisoned inside the cells watching the display.
"Political Prison - In memory of Adem Demaçi and Ukshin Hoti" was developed by the directors, Kushtrim Mehmeti and Kaltërim Balaj, the playwright Pashtrik Brahaj and his assistant Forent Kurtalani, while the actors Fitore Jashari, Mikel Markaj, Shaban Behramaj, Art Pasha, Blendon Ahmeti and Lorent Pacolli, music composed by Lulzim Lushtaku, lighting by Skender Latifi, while it was made possible by the organization Etea, and supported by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.
Present at the premiere were the Minister of Culture, Hajrulla Çeku, former political prisoners, professors, actors and art lovers.
You can watch the replay of the performance tonight at 21:00.