Representatives of international organizations visit the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports


On Friday, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Mr. Hajrulla Çeku received the UNKT / UNDC representative Ms. Ulrika Richardson, UNICEF representative Ms. Larissa Brunn, as well as UNDP representatives Ms. Maria Suokko and Ms. Enisa Serhati.

At the meeting aalso attended by the advisors to the Minister, Qerim Ondozi and Dorotea Deshishku, the guests congratulated Minister Çeku for the post, presenting on this occasion the work and activities that these organizations carry out in Kosovo.

"The Republic of Kosovo is a country with great development capacities, and the areas with great potential are certainly youth and sports - two segments that this ministry covers" - said Minister Çeku.

The guests agreed to continue the bilateral meetings to look into specific areas where various projects and activities could be developed for the benefit of the development of the Republic of Kosovo.
